Marquisha’s Challenge: Believing in New Hope

Marquisha’s Challenge: Believing in New Hope

Marquisha has been to the Mission once before. When her son was just three months old, she came here after a domestic violence situation put them both in danger. “I was torn up emotionally, physically – and depressed. God may have guided me here, but I wasn’t listening to Him… I was just fighting.”

Even though she experienced love at the Mission, she didn’t think she deserved it. So she returned to what she knew – feeling trapped in a dangerous relationship and worrying for her son’s well-being. Sadly, she often turned to drinking.

With three other children here in Indiana, living with their father, Marquisha wanted nothing more than to be a mother who was present for her kids.

Then the moment of clarity came: “I wanted to see my kids, but their father wouldn’t let me until I stopped drinking and was stable. So I called Wheeler Mission and asked to come back.

“From the moment I got here, I had no desire to drink,” Marquisha says. That was the first step of many toward a new life.

Since she wanted to build a better foundation for her and her family, Marquisha dove into our recovery program and began addressing her past. “My caseworker has always been there for me. She loves me unconditionally and encourages me.”

With Christ-centered classes teaching life skills, budgeting and parenting, Marquisha appreciates the chance to rebuild her future as a mother. “The Mission even has daycare here so my baby can be taken care of while I go out and find work and housing for us,” she says.

Now working two jobs and saving for a home of her own, Marquisha hopes to reconnect with her other children and be the present mother she couldn’t be earlier in their lives.

“I’m so thankful the Mission welcomed me with open arms. The Lord has shown me so much love here.”

WITH YOUR HELP, Marquisha and others like her are finding that God’s hope and healing are for everyone, regardless of their past or circumstances. Thank you for your generous support!

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Marquisha’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women in central Indiana find healing. Will you help provide this help to others?