From Addiction to Recovery – Part 2

From Addiction to Recovery – Part 2

Dear Friends,

A few weeks back, local media covered numerous drug overdoses at Wheeler. Previously, I shared how we help men overcome the weight of addiction. Today, I’ll share how we empower women to do the same through our Higher Ground program.

Total Life Change

Higher Ground – our eight-month residential, addiction recovery program for women – assists women struggling with life-consuming substance abuse by focusing on a total life change through a relationship with Christ. In many cases, substance abuse has harmed work history, family life and education and may even have led to incarceration. Many women experienced significant trauma, thus affecting them physically, emotionally and spiritually. But we firmly believe the story doesn’t have to end there.

Our Bible-based curriculum is made up of recovery classes and both group and individual counseling. To address the addiction’s root, we cover: Bible study, anger management, effective and appropriate communication, financial management, nutrition, healthy relationships, reconciliation and domestic violence. Participants work ten hours per week in Wheeler’s social enterprise called Restored Creations. In addition to the therapeutic craft of candle making, women learn both soft and transferable skills to implement in the workplace.

Leaving Fuller Than They Came

Higher Ground is unique in that throughout the program, women establish a permanent support system. Upon coming to Wheeler, many women are cut off from their families and friends, or perhaps the only support they have left is unhealthy. To surround them with champions and nurturing relationships, our women are engaged in volunteerism with outside agencies, active in recovery meetings with a sponsor and committed to a home church. Many women are matched with one of Wheeler’s High Impact Volunteer mentors who provide support, wisdom, encouragement and friendship.

Dead End to Reborn

Every day, we see miracles among the women in Higher Ground. I want you to meet Megan, a woman who went through the program. In the short video below, she shares her story and how she found recovery at Wheeler Mission.


Rick Alvis

P.S. Could you, or someone you know, benefit from addiction recovery at Wheeler Mission? Go here to get started now.