Serving in Bloomington (Part 3)

mens homeless shelter bloomington

Serving in Bloomington (Part 3)

This piece was guest authored by Chris-Michael Morrison, Wheeler Mission’s Director of Advancement for the Bloomington Area. 

Help, hope, healing.

These three powerful words, Wheeler’s tagline, exemplify how the ministry fulfills its daily mission.


On average, more than 100 men, women, and children seek daily assistance they desperately need at Wheeler Mission-Bloomington’s two shelters: the Center For Men (215 S. Westplex Ave.) and the Center For Women & Children (400 S. Opportunity Lane).

Wheeler Mission-Bloomington’s presence is even more important during inclement weather; it’s not uncommon for our staff and volunteers to lovingly serve more than 140 neighbors on a given night. Help at Wheeler Mission means thousands of meals served, thousands of nights of lodging provided, clothing and toiletry items distributed, and safe refuge from the elements.


Beyond meeting the physical needs of our guests, our team’s vision is to equip the men, women, and children in our care to enjoy lasting success in Christ. Guests are encouraged to utilize onsite case management, enroll in our long-term residential or addiction recovery programs, or connect with another Bloomington service provider. It’s such a gift to see a man or woman smile, knowing they’re one step closer to lasting success.


There are a variety of reasons our guests walk through our doors. Maybe it’s loss of a job, eviction, financial struggles, physical/mental illness, addiction, or even broken relationships. Whatever the case, Wheeler Mission-Bloomington, and our supporters, are here for them. After all, it’s our mandate to physically, relationally, and spiritually provide for our neighbors in need. As a result, our guests can live out what God has intended them to be—a new creation in Christ.

We need you!

Fulfilling our daily mission is a HUGE undertaking. And we can’t do it alone! We faithfully rely on the private generosity of south-central Hoosiers. So…would you partner with Wheeler Mission-Bloomington and walk alongside our staff?

There are many, many ways to support us:

    • Give financially.
    • Volunteer with your family, friends, or colleagues!
    • Organize a food, clothing, or toiletry drive.
    • Search through our website,, to better understand Wheeler’s many programs and services.
    • Take a tour of our facilities to see Wheeler’s impact firsthand.
    • Like or follow Wheeler Mission-Bloomington on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
    • Advocate for Wheeler in your community.
    • Participate in our special events (STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS)!


Wheeler Mission-Bloomington needs YOU. Please don’t hesitate to contact Wheeler if you’d like more information. Just reach out to me, Chris-Michael (C-M) Morrison, at 812.219.2939 or at

Thank you for enabling us to provide daily help, hope, and healing to our neighbors in need.