Hold a drive for Wheeler (and have fun doing it!)

corporate sponsorships for nonprofits

Hold a drive for Wheeler (and have fun doing it!)

Companies, schools, churches, friends! You can make an impact for Wheeler Mission TOGETHER!

Did you know…

…that Wheeler Mission receives no government funding? It’s the generosity of individuals that make it possible for us to provide life-saving care for people in desperate need. Because of our remarkable community, we offer shelter, nutritious food, addiction recovery, and long-term programs to thousands of men, women, and children each year. And an incredible way people show us generosity is by organizing a variety of drives—collecting needed items or funds for Wheeler and our guests.

There are several drives from which to choose (i.e. fundraising, food collection, hygiene kits, towels, pajamas, etc.). And there are so many ways to get your friends, colleagues, church groups, etc. involved! Ready to get started? Follow our 3-step plan to pull off a successful, fun, and impactful donation drive!

Step 1: Connect with us to learn our most current needs.

Depending on the time of year and our current inventory, our needed items will vary. Before you get started, connect with O’Nealya Gronstal, our Director of Community Engagement. She will share our most needed items and help you determine what type of drive is best for your group. This way, your group will collect items we really need, and we’ll be set to put them right to use!

Step 2: Make it fun and creative!

If you’re trying to rally enthusiasm for folks to participate in your drive, consider an incentive or fun activity! For example…

    • Earn a CASUAL FRIDAY! Bring 5 hygiene items and earn a causal Friday at work!
    • Compete to win a PIZZA PARTY! The class that collects the most towels wins a pizza party!
    • Make it fun and organize a PACKING PARTY! Assembled hygiene kits are a wonderful way to restore dignity to brand new guests. Gather your friends and neighbors with snacks (and maybe a movie) to assemble your kits—the more the merrier!
    • Spring cleaning? Host an internal rummage sale at work to BENEFIT WHEELER! We all need to clean out our closets. Have your colleagues bring in items to sell, take an hour or two to shop each other’s treasures, then donate the proceeds to Wheeler!


Step 3: Get to work!

Promote your drive among your group, and share, share, share about Wheeler! If you’d like promotional materials (i.e. brochures, links to videos, etc.), we’ll be happy to provide those resources.