Wheeler Mission’s Statement Regarding COVID-19 Precautions

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Wheeler Mission’s Statement Regarding COVID-19 Precautions

Wheeler Mission’s COVID-19 Precautions

Dear friend,

We recently sent a press release regarding Wheeler Mission’s precautions surrounding the current COVID-19 outbreak. You may read it in full below. We thank you for your support during this time.

Standing together for the good of our neighbors,

Rick Alvis

Wheeler Mission actively working with MCPHD on COVID-19 precautions, asks public for support

INDIANAPOLIS – Wheeler Mission is actively working with the Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) on best practices for their shelters and centers amidst the current outbreak of COVID-19. To date, no known cases of the coronavirus have been identified at Wheeler Mission facilities.

The organization – which operates facilities in Indianapolis and Bloomington – continues to monitor the situation closely, including guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Our primary concern is the safety of our guests, staff and volunteers,” said Wheeler President and CEO Rick Alvis. “Many of those we serve have underlying health issues which places them at greater risk, and we are doing everything we can do to provide safe facilities. We are vigilant about cleaning and sanitizing our buildings and are instructing everyone on steps they can take to prevent the spread of the virus.”

Each year Wheeler Mission serves more than 9,500 men, women and children. Current precautions include:

    • Increased frequency and rigor of cleaning and sanitation
    • Multiple hand sanitizing stations at Men’s Emergency Shelter
    • Display of a recurring CDC video about ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19
    • Ongoing preparation of a secluded and secure room for guests who may display symptoms related to the coronavirus


Wheeler Mission is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit. The organization is supported by private, tax-deductible donations, a significant portion of which comes from individuals. Wheeler receives no funds from governmental agencies.

Alvis asked members of the public to consider providing support during this extraordinary time. For instance, Wheeler Mission is looking to purchase non-contact medical thermometers, which have become difficult to find online. The organization welcomes donation of these products and others, as well as monetary donations.

“Unlike some businesses and organizations, we cannot shut down and send people home,” said Alvis. “Wheeler Mission is their home, so we have to do everything in our power to keep our guests safe and provide clean and safe facilities. We’re concerned with the fluctuation in the market and economic fears that donations may take a dive, just when we need them the most.”