30 Sep A Season of ThanksGIVEmas
Every day in Bloomington and surrounding communities, hundreds of our neighbors are experiencing homelessness. In an effort to provide some of the basic necessities for those less fortunate, Wheeler Mission is launching a new outreach in South Central Indiana called A Season of ThanksGIVEmas!
With the help of local churches, civic groups, school groups, etc., Wheeler Mission will collect much-needed items to be given to the poor and homeless through their men’s and women’s shelters in Bloomington.
Click here to get involved!
We are not giving away Thanksgiving food baskets this year, but we do want to invite anyone who would like to enjoy a Thanksgiving Day meal to our Center for Men location (215 S. Westplex Ave.) from 12:00-1:00pm on Thursday, November 24th!
We will be serving all of the traditional Thanksgiving Day fixings, while enjoying a time of Thanksgiving together as a community.
We are still in need of donations for this special meal and they can be dropped off at our Center for Men location as well.
Anyone wishing to volunteer or be involved in some capacity can go to wheelervolunteer.org.
Please call us at 812.333.1905 if you have any questions related to our Thanksgiving Day meal!”