24 Jul A Virtual Wheeler Tour – Part 2 (Center for Women & Children)
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission.
A note from Perry.
One the best parts of my job is taking a faithful Wheeler supporter on a tour and hearing him or her say, “Wow! I had no idea Wheeler did ALL this!” But since not everyone has a chance to visit us in person, we’ll bring the tour right to your computer or mobile device! In this short three-part series, follow along with Mary—our summer development intern—as she tours our Indianapolis program locations and learns for herself!
The Center for Women & Children
When a woman steps into the Center for Women & Children (CWC), she is greeted by a welcoming staff and homey atmosphere. Tresa is there to meet her and sign her in. If a guest comes for simply a meal, she is directed to the cafeteria/multi-purpose room. If she needs shelter or would like to be signed up for a program, she is directed to the necessary staff member.
(Cafeteria (left) and the lobby (right).)
Each floor of the CWC building is devoted to a different program or purpose and is equipped with its own set of dorms and staff members. The first floor is home to apartments for women with children and the Revive: Kids program. The children meet an incredibly friendly staff, who is ready and willing to meet the special needs of each child and circumstance. There is even a sensory room where children can decompress after something stressful and get their wiggles out!
(Sensory room for children needing to decompress.)
If you take an elevator ride to the second floor, you’ll find the emergency services operations and the gymnasium, which provides space for additional emergency shelter in the winter. In the summer, it becomes a recreation area and place to escape the heat. The third floor is the main bathroom and shower area for women.
(The gymnasium doubles as a place for recreation and emergency shelter overflow.)
On the fourth floor, women stay for three to nine months while they work, save, and take life skills classes in order to be self-sufficient. The women on the fifth floor are those with disabilities who need a stable place to stay. These ladies need mental health and physical care while following a strict schedule for wellness (and they absolutely LOVE puzzles)! The sixth floor is home to Restored Creations, a candle making social enterprise that provides a therapeutic outlet for our guests while empowering them to develop and practice transferable skills needed to obtain and maintain gainful employment. Through this, they learn valuable skills and can put tangible work experience on their resumes.
The seventh floor is home to Higher Ground, the addiction recovery program for women. This floor houses ten women who are working together for total life change and recovery through Christ!
(Higher Ground program dormitory.)
The eighth floor has a classroom area, library, and computer lab. The ninth floor has additional meeting space and staff offices. The tenth floor offers apartments for ladies who are in Equip, our ministry internship program.
On each floor of this building, women are shown the love of Christ in a way that is unique to their situation. They are living, learning, and working together to become who Christ made them to be.