All Andrew wanted was one more chance


All Andrew wanted was one more chance

As a teenager, Andrew had walked into Wheeler Mission…to volunteer.

“Back in middle school, I came to Wheeler to serve dinner a few times,” he says.

As an adult, Andrew walked into the Mission again…this time, to find help for his addiction to heroin.

Andrew considered himself functional: He worked and he helped raise his daughters. But as his addiction grew, it led to stealing, trouble with the law – and eventually, the desire to quit using drugs. “I tried pretty desperately to get off of drugs. I tried a lot of other programs.”

“It took sinking down into the depths before I was ready.”

For the first time ever, he reached out to God. “I felt helpless. I couldn’t control myself anymore. I asked God to help me.”

As he prayed for a way out of his addiction to heroin, Andrew remembered Wheeler Mission from his youth. He even knew a few people who had been through our addiction recovery program.

“Their success inspired me to try Wheeler’s program,” Andrew says. “I knew I had to do whatever it took.”

“I wasn’t just going to give up and leave.”

The first few weeks in our program weren’t easy – but Andrew was determined to stay. “I wanted to get off drugs…to stop feeling miserable and sick all the time.”

Through the love of our staff, God-centered classes and counseling offered in our program, Andrew began understanding why his addiction had such a powerful hold in his life. “I’d always felt discouraged when life didn’t go according to my plans,” he says. “To forget it, I’d escape through drugs.”

Now, he turns to God in prayer instead. “I pray all the time,” he says. “Whatever issue I’m having, God puts the right thing in my path to set me straight.”

“I have hope now.”

Today, Andrew is a graduate of our program and is focused on rebuilding his life. He’s spending as much time possible with his two daughters, who are excited to have their dad back.

He’s also working hard to establish a career. “Being at the Mission has given me the opportunity to apply for apprenticeships and training grants for skilled trades.”

Andrew is amazed at the difference the program made in his life. “Wheeler Mission took me in – a guy who’d completely run out of options and had destroyed everything – and gave me the opportunity to improve myself and build back my family’s trust.”

“I used to feel so hopeless,” he says. “Because of the Mission, I have hope now.”

To read the most recent issue of Inside Story, click here to download.

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