Author: brewerweb

“God’s love was just overflowing.” Kyla’s parents both battled addiction, so she grew up surrounded by drama and disgrace. Then one day, she witnessed a heartbreaking scene that left her devastated. “My school was on the same street as my house. I looked out the window and...

“I’ve seen miracles and I am a miracle… a surviving miracle.” Barbara remembers the first time she reached for a bottle of alcohol. She got married at 16, but the marriage was volatile. “I used to drink so I wouldn’t feel the pain...

Growing up with an alcoholic father, Shawn followed his familiar path. “Drinking was like second nature to me,” he says, “and it consumed 10 years of my life.” When Shawn’s father passed away, his own addictions only escalated. His mother came to him in tears. “She...

Looking at her life, you’d never have guessed that Kasey had been battling depression and anxiety since she was a little girl. “I was 40 years old. I had a good job, a house, a car, a great kid,” she says. “But, inside me, it...