28 Aug My Experience at Wheeler Mission
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission. I gained so much more...
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission. I gained so much more...
Last week, I shared how homelessness significantly disrupts a child’s education. If you missed it, you can read the blog here. So…how do we work to mend the tragedy of a broken education? Wheeler’s Center for Women & Children (CWC) The average family stays at the CWC for...
Imagine a 12-year old girl named Anne. Anne’s family has been homeless for over a year. In this season, they’ve moved numerous times from family member to family member, shelter to shelter. She’s changed schools at least three times. The moves have been unexpected and rapid;...
I have some incredible news to share with you! Last year, Wheeler Mission launched a $12 million capital campaign to expand our Center for Women & Children in Indianapolis. This past Wednesday, we officially announced that—while we still have more funds to raise—we hope to break...
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission. A note from Perry. One the best parts of my job is taking a faithful Wheeler supporter on a tour and hearing him or her say, “Wow! I had no idea Wheeler...
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission. A note from Perry. One the best parts of my job is taking a faithful Wheeler supporter on a tour and hearing him or her say, “Wow! I had no idea Wheeler...
This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission. A note from Perry. One the best parts of my job is taking a faithful Wheeler supporter on a tour and hearing him or her say, “Wow! I had no idea Wheeler...
Just out of the blue...
Freedom is a gift. I love the 4th of July. Trips to the lake, fireworks, boating with Julie, our kids, and grandkids, and taking a step back to thank God for our freedom in this incredible nation. Freedom is a gift I so often take for granted....
YOUR IMPACT Wow! The 2019 Strength in our Streets and 100 Holes for the Homeless events went off without a hitch—thank you to all who participated! Between sponsorships and participant fundraising, the events raised more than $200,000. That's enough to provide more than 95,000 meals for hungry...