12 Jun Empowering & Engaging the Church
Church Partnerships Matter
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me…Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:35-40)
These profound and simple verses remind us that loving our neighbors is to love Jesus. Throughout Scripture, God continuously reveals His tender heart toward the poor and hurting. Something special about Wheeler Mission is that it enables churches, the Body of Christ, to be the hands and feet of Jesus—to link arms, gather, and serve its neighbors in need.
Here are just a few ways we’ll partner with YOUR church family!
Wheeler offers meaningful and impactful service opportunities for your church to serve together! Volunteer as a Bible study, community group, youth group, family etc. We can even provide special service opportunities for your church members—young and old—to both learn about effective urban ministry and make a real difference. Sorting donations, serving meals, teaching classes, playing with kids… We’ll work with you to find volunteer opportunities that best suit your church group!
Churches have taken a variety of approaches to partnership with Wheeler. Some regularly give financially. Others take up love offerings at special events (like concerts). Many challenge their congregations to give above and beyond their tithe, and the dollars they raise support a special project or need at Wheeler Mission.
Several churches hold material gift drives to raise needed supplies, like: hygiene items, perishable food items, socks, and clothing. Our material needs vary seasonally, so we’ll coordinate with you before your drive to help determine what items to collect.
We have a special group of committed Prayer Partners who support Wheeler through regular prayer and intercession. This opportunity can be for individuals, but it is perfect for church small groups. We regularly send prayer requests to keep our partners informed and closely connected to Wheeler. To become a Prayer Partner, email Julie Alvis, Director of Donor Relations.
Hear from Wheeler
We know it isn’t feasible to bring your whole congregation to Wheeler for a tour, or even to volunteer. But we still want to meet you and engage your congregants! We’re more than willing to come to your church. We love bringing our representatives to:
– Speak at your church.
– Present to your small groups.
– Attend your ministry fairs.
– Provide your church with regular updates, newsletters, prayer requests, etc.
Throughout the year, we host a variety of special (and FUN) events to raise funds and support for our men, women, and children. And some of these events are great for the whole family!
• Drumstick Dash
• 100 Hundred Holes for the Homeless
• Strength In Our Streets
• Wheeler Mission Night at Victory Field
Let’s connect!
We hope this gets you excited, energized, and empowered to rally your congregants and partner with Wheeler on behalf of your neighbors in need! We need you. Our neighbors need you. And we can’t wait to see what great things we’ll do together!
Ready to get rolling? Great! To serve in Indianapolis, email O’Nealya Gronstal, Director of Community Engagement. To serve in Bloomington, email Josie Rice, Community Outreach Coordinator.