07 Mar “God is refining me…”
This piece was authored by Lisa, a guest in our Higher Ground Addiction Recovery Program for women.
“Anything that sits on the throne of your heart in place of God is an idol.”
This was impressed upon me during my first stay at Wheeler Mission (from August 2013 – February 2015), as a guest in the Higher Ground Addiction Recovery Program. Though I graduated that time, I lost sight of that principle and quickly relapsed into old habits…especially in poor relationship choices.
A second chance
I restarted the Higher Ground program in August of 2018 and am endeavoring to make Jesus Lord of my life in every way. I’m forever grateful to God and Wheeler for second chances and the grace to admit mistakes. I’m here to recover my health, my relationships with my family, my future, and my relationship with my Creator. I especially love my time spent in Restored Creations, helping make the beautiful hand-poured soy candles that we use to help fund these ministries. We are a fledgling for sure, so tell all your friends!
Lisa (back middle, in red), pictured with the women of Higher Ground.
God is refining me, and at the age of 56…I believe I’m finally growing up! I wish there were words to express gratitude to all who make Wheeler Mission a haven of healing and hope for people like me – but there are none adequate. So I’ll leave it to the prophet Isaiah:
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publish peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7