Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Dear Friends,

Easter is so special at Wheeler Mission, as we celebrate the hope we have in Christ. For men and women who’ve made mistakes, suffered tragedy and lost everything, there’s amazement at the Gospel promise. Those who’ve burned bridges, lost their friends and family – they marvel at their adoption into the body of Christ. There’s hope and confidence that their lives can begin again.

But sometimes it takes a while to realize that hope, to believe that change can happen. So we start with a warm meal and a bed, and then we address those deeper needs. Despair slowly melts away and is replaced with hope.

Even as we celebrate hope and miracles at Wheeler, we desperately need you.

Hope for a Refuge

Every night, nearly a thousand – sometimes more – men, women and children sleep in our facilities. You may have read about our overflow for Winter Contingency. What people don’t often understand is that we still operate beyond capacity, even when the weather clears. There simply aren’t enough beds and resources available in our city.

Every night at our Center for Women & Children in Indianapolis, we provide over 100 beds for single women and moms with their kids. Women and children are among the fastest growing segment of the homeless population, and the need in Indianapolis is unprecedented. The streets are no place for anyone, but women and children are especially vulnerable. So we make room for another 50 or so women and children every night, and let them sleep on our gym floor. Our gym is filled with women and kids of all ages – the elderly, young moms with their babies, restless toddlers, elementary-school kids. It’s our hope and prayer that when beds become available, these women and children can move into our shelter, enter our programs and receive the care and help they desperately need.

Serving Together

The need seems crushing, but together, I know we can change the trajectory for our neighbors facing homelessness. Will you join us? We need you! And what better time to offer hope than Easter, a time we celebrate the fulfillment of the greatest hope of all – salvation through Christ’s victory on the cross.

Are you ready?

Here are a couple ideas to get you started:
1. Volunteer
We wouldn’t be able to serve as we do without our volunteers. Consider becoming a High Impact volunteer and serve our guests on a regular basis.
2. Collect hygiene items
Involve your employer or church and collect items we desperately need.
3. Donate money
Wheeler receives no government money and is completely supported by private dollars – which makes it possible for us to share Christ with our neighbors!

Thank you for helping us usher in hope to our neighbors who thought hope was lost. On behalf of the staff and guests at Wheeler Mission, have a happy Easter.

With gratitude,

Rick Alvis