06 Nov Rebuilt by the King
This piece is guest by Charlene Moutray, former guest at Wheeler’s Center for Women & Children, and current Team Lead Processor at the Wheeler Mission Distribution Center.
Isaiah 43:2 says…
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
Let me start by painting a picture of who I once was. I had used drugs and alcohol for more than ten years. I lost everything and everyone. I had known God, but I never had a true relationship with Him. I was a girl that could no longer fight–weary, broken, exhausted, and hollow. A mother who felt completely defeated. Marriage, divorce, domestic violence, miscarriage, abortion, jail, house arrest, the list goes on. Soon the disappointment of who I had become drove me to try and end it all. I was finally arrested for the last time. All the years of drug abuse, homelessness, and hunger resulted in pain and incarceration. I did my time and by the grace of God, I prayed I could get out clean. I was just too tired to continue the old lifestyle. All of this led to one pivotal moment. In that moment, the Lord spoke to me and He said:
“My Child, this is your last chance. If you do not obey my will for your life, not only will you suffer forever, but so will your daughter. She will follow in your footsteps. She will feel the pain of heartache and the emptiness of addiction. I have a plan that you cannot comprehend. Will you take my hand and follow me?”
Let’s look back on that verse from Isaiah 43:2. You can imagine the peace and strength it brought me. After being released from jail, I decided Wheeler Mission’s Higher Ground addiction recovery program was the best choice I had. I went for it, jumped in with two feet, and have never looked back. Today, I stand proud not only in myself, but in my story. Our God is an amazing God. He has blessed me with a continued life with Wheeler Mission.
I currently work at the Wheeler Mission Distribution Center, and the Lord continues to open doors for me throughout this ministry. The Lord saved my life, but I like to say that Wheeler was His vessel. As I write this today, I cannot express enough how grateful I am to be here. To be alive. To be a mother to my daughter again. I was broken by the world, but I am being rebuilt by the King.
Thank you Wheeler Mission for all you do to help those who are broken. The Lord is truly present in this organization.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8