26 Jun Sole to Soul Sisters Running Ministry
This piece is guest authored by Beth Isom, a High Impact volunteer at our Center for Women & Children.
My introduction to the Center for Women & Children.
I started serving as a volunteer at Wheeler about 3 years ago; it’s amazing how God works things out for His good purposes. I agreed to help my fiancé, Mark Frisbie, run the Celebrate Recovery small group for women. I told him I would run it until he found a qualified female leader to step in. Well…that was 3 years ago, and I’m still serving as a leader of a different group where some of the ladies attend Monday nights. That’s where I first heard about Wheeler and met many of the ladies who I now call my friends. I instantly fell in love with the ladies in the Higher Ground program. As a child, I grew up in an home with alcohol addiction. Back in the 80s, my mom also found recovery and sobriety with the help of God and another program. I’m survivor of the family disease of addiction.
Beyond all expectations.
To be completely honest, I had a huge misconception about Wheeler’s Center for Women & Children. I assumed it was a sterile place with rows and rows of beds with white covers and pillow cases. I asked for a tour, and that was the day my eyes and heart were opened. I saw the rooms decorated with bright comforters, wall decor, and even a few personal effects. I learned that women were able to shop at Wheeler’s thrift store, and everything they had was donated. The women loved showing me their rooms. Although these ladies came to the shelter with not much more than the clothes on their backs, they were being cared for in a very special, loving, and compassionate way.
Beginning the Sole to Soul Sisters Running Ministry.
I knew I wanted to get more involved. I knew I wanted to be part of what Wheeler was doing for those in need. I felt called to serve, encourage, and make a difference. Knowing the ladies and hearing their stories gave me the courage and inspiration to allow God to stretch me and use my gifts. God put on my heart to start a running ministry for the ladies. I love fitness and recovery, and God made a way for me to share them both with the Higher Ground ladies.
I absolutely love seeing them participate. I don’t care whether they walk, jog, or run as long as they finish the race. They beam with pride and accomplishment when they cross that line. Their smiles are always contagious. We only do races with an important cause behind them. Several of the Wheeler ladies have never had an opportunity to participate in a 5K before, while others were high school or college athletes who haven’t used their talents for years.
I’m incredibly blessed to be a Wheeler volunteer, receiving more than I could ever give. My prayer is that God use my life to be a light for others on their path to healing and health.